The Accident

Author: Natalie Barelli

Pages: 300
Description: I’m sorry. I know this book got a lot of 4 and 5 star reviews, but I just didn’t like it. The main character has to be the MOST gullible person alive. For all of her self-proclaimed genius, she is ridiculously stupid. The majority of this book would be obsolete if she just utilized google one damn time. It just wasn’t believable to me. She researches things and creates probabilities and trusts her gut for her job – and if we are to believe her own hype, she is damn good at it. But she blindly believes everything and everyone around her without even so much as a simple google search or a few questions. Okay – fool me once, I can get. But once she realized she has been lied to by at least two “important” people in her life, you’d think she’s start to be a bit more skeptical… I found her unlikable and unrealistic.
Furthermore, I guessed the major “twists” by the second sentence of the book. By the end of chapter 2 – I could have written the plot myself. Maybe this is because I read A LOT and teach writing and fiction for my job, so I understand the tropes of writing, but I was not “blown away” by the amazing twists as so many other critics and readers seemed to be. Once the blackmail started, the entire middle of the book dragged on and on – it was super repetitive. We get it, she’s being blackmailed. Uncle Bill is a pretty influential guy apparently. Forgive the hyperbole, but I don’t need 12 chapters to establish this. I skimmed the majority of the middle and didn’t lose any plot points or character development that I could tell.
The ending picked up again as Kat was finally starting to get her head out of her ass and figure out what I knew from the second sentence. But then, the author just had to throw 47 other unnecessary “twists” into the story. Most of them I saw coming, the other ones were entirely unnecessary and I felt like her thought process was “a twist is just the opposite of what I’ve already written”. This does work in small doses, but all it did here was make her protagonist look like a complete and total fool. And what the hell was the point about her aunt and uncle. Another unnecessary plot point that really didn’t end up meaning anything or adding to the story in any way. It didn’t make the character sympathetic or any more likable. It actually had the opposite effect – why would she be so wracked with guilt and remorse of supposedly leaving someone to die when clearly she has no qualms about killing someone? It didn’t fit with her character AT.ALL.
And then it just ended. I would have loved much less of the whining and poor is me and I’m gonna call my uncle, Kat from the middle and a little more detail and time spent on the ending.
Sorry – not my cup of tea – at all.
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Posted on 10 februari, 2019 in Okategoriserade

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